Classes are conducted in Cantonese or English
Cleopatra Seichim
Cleopatra’s beauty and romantic exploits have been romanticized in literature and art, making her a timeless figure symbolizing
love, power, and tragedy. Her life story, marked by ambition and romance, reflects the complexities of a woman who navigated a
male-dominated world while striving to maintain her sovereignty and influence.
Hkd 2500 one day course
Seichim / Sekhem All Love
Seichim/Sekhem is a channelled energy. It is drawn from the Infinite Ocean of Love and Mercy. It is the energetic healing system much like Reiki that was used in ancient Egypt. It is essentially a mysterious energy that utilizes sacred symbology to release deeply held though patterns in the physical, emotional (astral), causal, mental, and etheric bodies. The course contains all the Seichim/Sekhem symbols and adds some new discoveries and powerful ancient attunements. Seichim/Sekhem works in partnership with our conscious intent, Higher Self and inner guides. It opens the heart to create multi-dimensional bridges of ‘at-one-moment’ with the Source, giving us pure loving light and a sacred vibrational healing. Many students feel Seichim more like a feminie, yin energy, and Sekhem, more like a masculine, yang energy. Many add that Seichim/Sekhem feels softer, but stronger; smoother but more concentrated.
* Level One (HKD 2,500/person), Level Two (HKD 2,500//person) and Level Three (HKD 2,500//person) three days course
* Master Teacher Level (HKD 4,200/person)
Isis Blue Moon
It is a similar energy to Reiki. It is a very soothing cool energy and can also be cold, or freezing. Many people claim that the energy is very calm and soothing. I find it to be very useful in times when a cold energy is needed. The main uses for Isis Blue Moon are healing and cooling. It works great at reducing swelling as well or bringing down fevers. You will learn an invocation of Isis and the 10 symbols that make up Isis Blue Moon healing system. Isis is an Egyptian Goddess. She is an ancient lady of power.
* Master Teacher Level (HKD 3,800/person) one day course.
Goddness Isis Initiation
Isis embodies the strengths of the feminine, the capacity to feel deeply about relationships, the act of creation, and the source of sustenance and protection.
Goddness Isis Initiation connects you to Her!
* Master Teacher Level (Hkd 2800 / person) one day course
Golden Triangle
It is said to feel much like Reiki but more intense. It is a very high frequency energy system that is connected to the Egyptian Goddess Isis. It has been used successfully in helping to aid the healing process of many diseases including Cancer, heart and other chronic illnesses. Once attuned many people will see a golden pyramid spinning in the third eye area, shortly after the attunement takes place. With practice it can help increase your mental and telepathic abilities by the stimulating effect it has on the area of the third eye.
* Master Teacher Level (HKD3,800/person) one day course.
Ahara Reiki
It contains only 4 symbols.
The system is directed by the intent of the practitioner. It is an Ancient Egyptian based energy that is connected to Isis and Bast.
The four symbols are the Ahara Master Symbol, the Isis symbol that is used for cleansing and energizing, the Akru for all forms of healing, and the TET for the oneness of all things.
*Master Teacher Level (HKD 3,800/person) one day course
Thoth – the God of Wisdom Initiation
Thoth became the representation of Ra in the afterlife, seen at the judgement of the dead in the ‘Halls of the Double Ma’at’.
The magical powers of Thoth were so great, that the Egyptians had tales of a ‘Book of Thoth’, which would allow a person who read the sacred book to become the most powerful magician in the world.The Book which “the god of wisdom wrote with his own hand” was, though, a deadly book that brought nothing but pain and tragedy to those that read it, despite finding out about the “secrets of the gods themselves” and “all that is hidden in the stars
* Master Teacher Level (Hkd 2800 / person) one day course
Horus-Ruler Of Egypt Initiation
Horus is the falcon-headed God. Horus was among the most important gods of Egypt, particularly because the Pharaoh was supposed to be his earthly embodiment. Kings would eventually take the name of Horus as one of their own.
Attunement Uses:
* Master Teacher Level (Hkd 2800 / person) one day course
Divine Warrior & Shield – Sekhmet
Sekhmet is an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with war, healing, and protection. Known as the “Divine Warrior” and a fierce protector of the pharaohs, she embodies both the destructive and healing aspects of life.Often depicted as a lioness or a woman with a lioness’s head.
* Master Teacher Level (Hkd 1800 / person) one day course
Goddess Bast Initiation
In ancient Egypt the cat was worshipped as a sacred animal. Bast is the Egyptian Goddess and Protector of cats, woman and children.
She is Goddess of sunrise.Her Goddess duty changed over the years – she is also known as a goddess of love, fertility, birth, music and dance. Cat or lioness war Goddess and protector of the lands; Mistress of happiness and bounty.
She is related to perfumes – her son Nefertem, solar god, was a god of perfumes and alchemy which supports this.
* Master Teacher Level (Hkd 2800 / person) one day course
Bastet Dance Sekhem
Connection to Bastet dance Sekhem is particularly significant for those seeking to harness and embrace their feminine energy. It
encourages individuals to connect with their inner power, creativity, and sensuality. By tapping into Sekhem, one can cultivate a greater awareness of their body, emotions, and sexual energy, leading to a more fulfilling and empowered life.
Hkd 1800 one day course
Awakening the Fire Within
Bastet’s connection to the feline world allows for a heightened sense of intuition and awareness. Engaging with her energy can help practitioners tap into their instinctual knowing and creative expression.
Hkd 1800 one day course
Bastet’s Shielding Presence
Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess, embodies protection, nurturing, and joy. Often depicted as a lioness or domestic cat, she represents the duality of fierce protection and gentle nurturing. This manual focuses on harnessing her energy for healing and protection.Bastet, the revered goddess of ancient Egypt, embodies the duality of nurturing and fierce protection. Often depicted as a lioness or a domestic cat, she symbolizes both the warmth of motherhood and the strength of a fierce
guardian. As the protector of the home and family, Bastet’s energy is a powerful force against negativity and harm.
Hkd 1800 one day course
Bastet’s Light
Bastet’s Light is a powerful and transformative energy that embodies the essence of the ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet. This light symbolizes protection, joy, and empowerment, drawing from Bastet’s dual nature as both a nurturing mother and a fierce protector.Bastet’s sacred energies are often described as rays of light that embody different aspects of her divine nature. Each ray represents a unique quality or power that can be harnessed for
healing, empowerment, and personal growth.
Hkd 1800 one day course
Anubis Initiation
Anubis is the “Opener of the Way” and Egyptian god of the underworld.
Anubis is the son of Nephthys and Osiris, and was raised by Isis.
He guards and protects equally in the day and the night and knows all the pathways that lead from the darkness into the light.
Anubis’s keen senses and watchful eye assure that no outside forces will endanger you while you do your inner work.
Anubis can transform any negative emotions or mental blockages, for He is known as the “Opener of the Way.”
Negative emotions from your childhood or another life can prevent you from living your dreams.
Anubis will help you heal and live your life to your highest potential.
Anubis will be your inner guide and assist you in healing all your old issues.
The class including four Initiations:
Anubis energies on guidance
Anubis energies on protection
Anubis energies on comfort
Anubis energies on wisdom & enlightenment
* Master Teacher Level (Hkd 2800 / person) one day course
The Egyptian Sun God Ra Attunement
A unique approach to energy healing that draws on the ancient wisdom and powerful vibrations of Ra, the Egyptian sun god. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Ra is revered as the embodiment of light, vitality, and creation, symbolizing the source of life and spiritual illumination. Ra symbolizes illumination not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual journey of every individual.You will learn how to connect with the energy of Ra, invoke its blessings, and integrate its wisdom into your Reiki practice. This initiation offers invaluable insights and techniques to elevate your healing journey and enhance your connection to the divine.In this exploration of Sun God Ra Reiki, you will discover techniques to invoke the radiant energy of Ra, allowing you to harness the sun’s warmth and light for healing and spiritual growth.Prepare to embark on a journey of enlightenment, empowerment, and healing as you embrace the luminous energy of Ra, illuminating your path toward greater well-being and spiritual awakening.
* Master Teacher Level (Hkd 2800 / person) one day course
Moon Reiki
A Feminine Healing Energy.
An experience for women and men.
Experience the power of your Divine Self in healing you and others through Moon Reiki
The moon in many ancient traditions is a symbol of the feminine. According to the Chinese tradition of yin/yang, the daytime is considered yang – a more active, outgoing energy.
The night is yin – a more inner, nurturing energy. So to honor and recognize the Sacred Feminine within, we stand in ceremony together at night and honor the moon – pray to the moon – or actually to the Sacred Feminine within each of us – to call on that aspect of ourselves to become more active in our lives.
The Sacred Feminine is our feelings, our insights, our ideas, our intuitive self, our hidden dreams, that creative self that is unique to each of us, whether we are women or men.
It is the belief of equality in all things to live with love and forgiveness in our hearts
*Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,500/person) one day course
SekhemHeka is published in book form through Megalithica Books, and imprint of Immanion Press, in May 2008. Here is an overview of some of the system’s components.
In Ancient Egypt, sekhem literally meant power or might. The term applied to gods and goddesses and was often part of the titles of pharaohs and queens. The sekhem sceptre carried by rulers and important officials was a physical representation of their earthly power. In recent years, the word sekhem has been reinterpreted to mean the energy of a healing system named after it, but that meaning is of modern not ancient origin. Sekhem, in its modern sense, is a form of healing that derives from a system called Seichim, which itself is partly a derivative of Reiki. Originally, the word heka meant magic or magical power, and it was also the name of a god who presided over magic.
Shef – The Energy System of the Body
As with most other energy healing systems, SekhemHeka works with the seven energy centres within the body, which in this system are referred to as the shef the whole system or shefats, the individual centres. These words derive from an Ancient Egyptian term that means power, energy, or vigour.
The energy centres are commonly known in most systems as the chakras, the idea of which derives from Ancient India. The centres are visualised as spheres or lotuses of coloured light, ranging through the spectrum from violet to red. The Correspondences of the Shefats There are seven degrees in SekhemHeka, and at each degree you will work with one of the seven shefats, beginning with Sen t, the base shefat, which can be regarded as the seat of the animal self, survival fears, the fight or flee response. Qemhu, the crown shefat, is regarded as the highest, being connected with the higher self, spirituality and higher consciousness. Here is a brief overview of the shef.
The Base Shefat- Sen-t (ground, basis, foundation) (sen-tay)
This shefat is fiery red in colour and is situated at the base of the spine. Its element is earth and it is associated with the sense of smell. It also relates to the inner adrenal system that controls the fight or flight response. Sen-t concerns survival fears, basic instincts, the animal self, personal stability, matters of security.
The Lower Stomach or Sacral Shefat – Khept-ti (male and female genital organs) (kep-tee)
Khep-ti is situated above Sen-t, below the navel and relates to the sexual organs. Its colour is a radiant orange, its element is water and it corresponds to the sense of taste. This centre is concerned with sexuality, sexual energy, desire, feelings, creativity, pleasure, self confidence, and general well-being.
The Solar Plexus Shefat – Hati (will, disposition) (haa-tee)
Hati is located below the rib cage and relates to the digestive system and the pancreas. It is the shefat of the sun, and it is thought that the body absorbs solar light through it. Therefore, it can be seen as your personal sun, the seat of your personal power. In colour it is a vibrant golden yellow, and its element is fire. It corresponds to the sense of sight and relates to will power, personal power, complex emotions, perseverance and determination. Here is born the ability to project the personality and affect your reality.
The Heart Shefat – Ab (heart)
Ab is the centre of the body; three above, three below. It is located in the chest and relates to the thymus gland, which regulates the lymphatic system. Its colour is green, the colour of healing, and it relates to the element of air and the sense of touch.
The Throat Shefat – Ashash-t (throat, gullet) (aah-shash-tay)
Ashash t is situated in the throat and relates to the thyroid gland and metabolism. Its colour is blue and its element is ether. It relates to the sense of hearing.
The Third Eye Shefat – – Aar-t (a goddess of the uraeus) (aah-tay)
Aar-t and Qemhu (the Crown) form the two highest centres of the energy body. Both can be said to be the seat of the third eye, but it is probably best to imagine them as a whole with regards to this function. Aar-t is situated in the middle of the forehead, above and between the eyes. It relates to the pituitary gland and extra-sensory perception. Its colour is indigo.
The Crown Shefat – Qemhu (crown of the head) (Kem-oo)
Qemhu is located in the centre of the head, although the shefat is often visualised as existing just above the crown, outside the body. Its colour is generally seen as violet, although it is also pure white light, the entire spectrum. It corresponds to the pineal gland. This centre relates to the seat of your consciousness, the higher self. It is the shefat of empathy and true bliss through understanding. In Qemhu all the aspects of the lower shefats are united. It is their source of energy.
SekhemHeka – 1st Degree –(HKD 1800/person) one day course
SekhemHeka (Sen-nu) – Second Degree – (HKD 1800/person) one day course
SekhemHeka (Khemt-tu) – Third Degree – (HKD 1800/person) one day course
SekhemHeka (Ftu-Nu) – Fourth Degree – (HKD 1800/person) one day course
SekhemHeka (Tu Nut) – Ffith Degree – (HKD 1800/person) one day course
SekhemHeka (Sas Nu) – Sixth Degree – (HKD 1800/person) one day course
SekhemHeka (Sas Nu) – Seventh Degree – (HKD 1800/person) one day course
Eye Of Horus Activation
The Eye of Horus Activation is a gateway that connects you to the 5th dimensional energies of light and higher frequencies. Eye Of Horus
It provides the opening that creates a reservoir of celestial energy within your own energy field. This reservoir of celestial energy then anchors and infuses your energy field, then continuing the journey by going out to the universe and returning to you on a constant basis renewing itself within you.
Your connection with our Sacred Mother Earth is also strengthened and aligned and you are nurtured by our divine earth mother.
*Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,200/person) one day course
Isis Seichim
Isis Seichim is a later development and brings a connection to Isis the Egyptian Goddess of healing and magic in a special way. Included in this Workshop are various healing methods and a variety of symbols.
History of Isis Seichim: 15 symbols and their uses, healing of any situation, power sandwich techniques are included,Cosmic Healing Bank technique.
*Master Teacher Level (HKD 8,800/person) one day course
*hkd 2,200 for students who completed Seichim/ Sekhem Level Three