Money Reiki

You align yourself with the intention that you can and will earn money with integrity by following your highest path. You remove energetic blocks that cause you to sabotage yourself with money.
If your bank account is frequently overdrawn, if you tend to have late fees on your bills, or if you have other financial management problems, Money Reiki should help.
It is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme. It is here to help transform the energy of money on the planet in addition to helping you personally. The big difference between Money Reiki philosophy and most prosperity programs is the acknowledgement that collective negative thought forms and energies surrounding money also need to be cleared and healed. If you are excited about the idea of helping everyone become more prosperous then Money Reiki is for you!

*Practitioner Level:
In this course you will learn how to use Money Reiki energies, including performing treatments, giving financial blessings, and creating a money magnet. (HKD 2,200/person)

*Master Level and Grand Master Level: (Both are Teacher Levels)
This course develope deeper into Money Reiki – you will get three new symbols and more tools to use Money Reiki, as well as the Master level attunement and ability to attune others to Money Reiki.
Money Reiki works to help you manifest your life purpose on this planet, so this course also covers the issues that may come up for you as you make these shifts, and how to ride through the rough spots as your life gets adjusted to support your purpose.

*Master Teacher Level (HKD 3,200/ person), Grandmaster Teacher Level (HKD 3,800/person)



Money Reiki For A New Reality

 This is a brand new Money Reiki system meant as a supplement to the original Money Reiki system, or as a stand alone system.
If you have been using the Money Reiki energy for a while, it is recommended to get this system because additional energies are needed now.
This system will help create a bubble of prosperity around you even if the economy is bad. This is not necessarily financial riches (no promises are made of course),

but prosperity to help you be a leader/ light worker during these times.

Three new symbols are provided.

*Master Teacher Level (HKD 3,200/ person)



Money Angel Reiki

It provide abundance and manifesting, Angels and Ascended Masters.

Money Angel Reiki has been created to help provide support and inspiration during times of economic stress. 

This system is not designed to instantly manifest wealth or prosperity. Rather, it is a system that helps provide support for money stress and problems.

You can use this energy to connect with your Money Angel to provide guidance with challenging financial issues. 

Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,500/ person)



 Abundance Velocity Booster​

Abundance Velocity Booster is very helpful to increase the physical energy, personal inner power and to awaken your true spirit confidence.
It’s a totally energy booster for your motivation, concentration, boldness and specially, as a initiative, creativity and personal innovative booster.
Abundance Velocity Booster is very helpful to push your prosperity and wealth to much higher levels.

* Practitioner Level (HKD 1500/ person) one day course



Midas Star Energy Attunement

The life of your dreams is calling…
And your Spirit knows you’re ready to answer the call…
Let’s get started…
A magical life full of love, abundance and prosperity awaits you…
Midas was a king of great fortune who ruled the country of Phrygia, in the west central part of Anatolia.

King Midas is known to be an ascended master that resides in the Sacred Rays of Emerald-Green, pertaining to knowledge and understanding.
This Reiki symbol represents not just money but also prosperity, harmony, happiness, success in personal relations, and good luck, in addition,

the symbol helps us achieve whatever desire we have in life and spread its energy so you can live an abundant life.
The star sign signifies that with constant financial income, we can launch our power and help the community in becoming a better and happier place.
The symbol enhances the flow of Reiki – the Life Force Energy.

* Practitioner Level (HKD 1,500/person) one day course


St. Germain & Raphael Prosperity Empowerment

St. Germain and Archangel Raphael have come forward to help you overcome the challenges of the economy. This attunement connects you to both St. Germain and Archangel Raphael and strengthens your connection to Spirit in order to bring about change and transmutation to a more prosperous life.
You are given 2 symbols to help you raise your vibration so that you are in harmony with prosperity and abundance.
St. Germain guides you in transmuting energy into abundant energies of a positive nature, and Archangel Raphael heals situations that need healing in order to bring in great prosperity and increase your cash flow.
This is a very positive and inspiring attunement that will help you to become and remain prosperous, even when things around you appear to be engulfed in lack and limitation.

*Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,800/person) one day course



Aura Ganesha Radiance


Obstacles, Illusion, Arrogance, Ignorance And Amplifies, Brings Vitality And Promise Of New Beginnings

Ganesha (sometimes called Ganesh) is one of the Hindu religions most popular gods (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and Durga being the other four). He is the Remover of Obstacles, the patron of science and learning, and the one to invoke when starting a new venture, business or writing project.
Aura Ganesha Radiance is associated with the Root Chakra, the home of procreation, survival and material well-being.
We can use Aura Ganesha Radiance for our home or business to help with removing ignorance, arrogance, illusions and obstacles.
Aura Ganesha Radiance is an amplifier of energy, healing both body and environment; cleansing the chakras and releasing energy, vitality and promise of new beginnings.
Aura Ganesha Radiance is an excellent energy for harmonizing and balancing one’s environment.
Hkd 2800 / person



Ganesha’s Anointing Empowerment


Ganesha’s Anointing Empowerment is fantastic for bringing your an anointing of Genesha’s energy that you can wear as an energy garment.
When you wear Ganesha’s Anointing around your body and being, his energy greets all people and situations, assisting to move obstacles from your path and life.
This garment does need to be consciously renewed daily, and many people do so in the morning as they put their physical clothing on.
Hkd 2800 / person