Classes are conducted in Cantonese or English


Soulmate Reiki

Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates together.

This system can also be used for non-romantic soulmate relationships (such as with friends or loved ones).

This is a one-level system that includes one soulmate symbol. You will also learn a simple technique to clear out negative energetic attachments that can affect you.

* Master Level (HKD 2,800/person)



Goddess Venus Course and Empowerment

The Roman Venus was regarded as the goddess of love and beauty.

The Roman Venus is the goddess of love and beauty.

Venus means “charm” in archaic Latin. Venus rules over persuasiveness and seduction in both the divine and mortal worlds.

She was born of the Sea and Sky. Venus has powers over nature. Venus is the goddess of marriage and relationships and inspires unconditional love.

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,800/person)



Beauty Venus Flush

Beauty Venus Flush helps you to deal with the principles of harmony, balance, feelings, affections, and the urge to sympathize

This energy boosts your courage to open your self to unite with others with faithfulness.

Beauty Venus Flush brings you to the desire for pleasure and helps to expand your sensuality and charm, so others will be comfortable and so you will make connections in professional relations, romantic and marriage.

Beauty Venus Flush brings a different atmosphere in your surrounding so to help you in balancing to have a harmonious life.

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,200/person)



Tulip Passion Reiki

Tulip Passion Reiki is a very simple system for Reiki Masters which incorporates only five symbols which are created with the hands.

Tulip Passion Reiki works on a situation to break down barriers either between a couple or that an individual has unconsciously created.
Tulip Passion will help you to be more approachable and less angry so that you will feel that you are more capable to work on your relationship, or bring a soulmate into your life or heal your heart so that you can move forward in your life. It also helps you to let go of a relationship that is no longer working. Remember, we cannot control everything, sometimes it is to our highest good to let a partner go, but Tulip Passion Reiki will help you to heal and move on with your life.

In Persia, tulips are intrinsically linked to love and passion. There is a legend concerning a young man called Ferhad who was madly in love with Shirin. Unfortunately, she did not reciprocate his feelings and he went into the desert to die of a broken heart. His tears fell onto the sand and turned into tulips. Since then, young men give red tulips to women to declare their love and to let her know that he is on fire with an irresistible passion. Yellow tulips show a love that can never be reconciled. Variegated tulips are for beautiful eyes.

Master Teacher Level (HKD 3,800/ person)



Twin Flame Reiki

Twin Flame Reiki connects you to your Twin Flame and to Spirit for empowerment, enlightenment and healing.

The energy of this system opens the connection to your Twin Flame for an exchange of guidance, love and light energies.

Your Twin Flame of the Yiin Yang half of you.

While each of you are a complete spirit and soul, your Twin Flame reflects either the masculine or feminine yang or yin side of you.

The connection between you is very strong and once you connect energetically you will be able to exchange energy and wisdom.

Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,200/ person)



Celestial Love Essence:

Celestial Love Essence promotes an immortal love passion of others to you.
It helps to strengthen your hopes and helps in a contemplation of love.
Celestial Love Essence brings an unconditional devotion and friendship so use it to erase the possibility of unrequited love.
It brings a brand new inspiration for boring romance. Celestial Love Essence is very good to generate the gladness and perfection of love and romance. It opens your spirit for possibilities of a new love relationship.

 * Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,200/person)



 Love and Romance Elixir:

Love & Romance Elixir is brought forth from Eternal Sacred Source to benefit both woman and men as it can help anyone who desires love to rekindle love.

Love & Romance Elixir energies encompass everyone; whether you are single, divorced, widowed or married.

Benefits of Love & Romance Elixir:

Beauty & Attractiveness/Passion


Happiness/Completeness/Enhances Libido

Suitable Perfect Matches/Marriage Connections

Spice up Love Life/Successful Relationships

Virtuous Relationships/Faithfulness in Relationships

Longevity in Relationships

1. Devotion & Fidelity Elixir

2) Fountain of Youth Elixir

3) Marital Bliss Elixir

4) Protection Elixir

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,800/ person)



 Goddess Guinevere Attunement:

Love and Relationships – Romance, Beauty, Desirability, Attract Love, Keep Love Alive

Goddess Guinevere is the Goddess of Love and Relationships and we can call upon her to help us with romance, love, and relationships.

She can lend us her dazzling, intoxicating charms so that we can wreak havoc in the world of men!

Goddess Guinevere brings the energies of beauty and desirability so we can attract love into our lives.

She can help us to keep love alive in a romantic relationship. She can lend us qualities such as playfulness and laugher as well as romantic inspirations to keep the flame burning in romantic relationships.

Goddess Guinevere can also be invoked to help us when we are struggling with getting our romantic needs met. She can help us to find what is needed to bring passion into our relationships.

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,800/person)



Hestia and Vesta Attunement:

Gems of Hestia and Vesta attunement is for: Hearth, Home, Domestic Happiness, Home Blessings, Clearings, Cleansing, Health, Strength and Nurturance.
Hestia and Vesta, Goddesses of Hearth and Home can be called upon to bring domestic happiness and home blessings, clearings and cleansings. They lend us their inner gems of hearth and home bringing health and strength, blessing us with love, nurturance, nourishment, warmth, abundance, well-being, wholeness, bountifulness, warm welcome, safety, protection, ability to increase romance, harmony and unity among others and resolve conflicts.

There are so many gems of Spirit that these loving Goddesses lend to us. The energies of this system will bring out our forgiving and non-judging, unconditionally loving and accepting, caring and helpful natures so that we can create more love and trust in our relationships with others.

The Goddesses can be invoked to aid us in meditations and help us focus our attention inward. They are Goddesses of meditation and a balanced lifestyle. They can help us find ways to express the exalted aspects of love.

These Goddess energies bring us self-control and self-discipline, the ability to control our thoughts and to think before we speak or act. They bring us the ability to be self-sufficient individuals who get our sense of self from within rather than without or within others.

The class includes a ritual for house clearing, cleansing and blessing to remove negative energies, entities, spirits, attachment, energy from your home.

This ritual can be used in your home, office or any building.

There is a meditation for clearing, cleansing self of negative energies and a ritual for programming a special gem from the Goddesses.

This system uses one symbol and is a master level attunement.

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,800/ person)



 Enchanted Fairy Goddess Within Attunement :

Enchanted Fairy Goddess Within Attunement will work on an area of your Mythic Goddess Self.

In this system, the focus is the Faery Goddess within you or your Inner Faery. The Faery symbolizes what is deeply embedded in your psyche, your Inner Faery, the Magical, Enchanting aspect of you that is unique and brings JOY to the world. This healing system is going to attune you to the great Magic and Enchantment of the loving and benevolent Faeries and Faery Goddesses so that you can recognize and ignite your Inner Fairy Magic. Thish will rekindle your sense of Magic and Imagination so that this aspect of you really begins to come to the surface in your life. This will greatly enrich your life!

The energies of this healing system are very feminine. The enchanting energies within you to draw passion and romance into your life will be reawakened so that you can be inspired and empowered in this area of your life. This will enable you to draw a new love or reignite the passion in an existing relationship. There is also a unique clearing that you can run anytime to remove anything blocking you from allowing your Enchanting Fairy Goddess from emerging.

 * Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,200/person)



Goddess Aine Love & Desire Reiki:

Goddess Aine is the Celtic Goddess of Love and Desire, and you can call her in for invoking love spells.

Aine is an extremely popular Goddess. Many people worship her hope that she will gift them with prosperity, fertility, sexuality and abundance.

She takes her role as a Love Goddess very seriously, and she encourages human sexuality. She is a teacher of love.

She can help make your visions of love a reality. Aine is a deeply passionate deity.


Creating a love relationship

Soul Mate Love

Creating a love spells for the object of your affection.

Luck and Magic

Letting go of past relationship baggage

Healing your inner child

Removing Negative Love Karma

Unblocking your heart chakra



Greater love, joy and intimacy between you and that special someone.

Faith in Love

Follow your love dreams

Trust your heart

Follow your instincts



Protecting you from illness

And so much more.

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,800/person)



Amethyst Fairy Orb:

If you can see with a childs eye there is a world full of color, joy and wonder to be seen. The fairy realm reminds us to keep this joy and creativity alive. Each cave and hollow tree has a doorway to another world. Every flower, leaf and blade of grass has a story to tell. Streams sing and the winds whisper ancient secrets into the ears of those who will listen.

A fairy is a tiny being with wings, such as a butterfly wings. Fairies move quickly and can become invisible blending into the woods and nature very easily. They eat fruit mostly and enjoy music and dancing and having fun a lot of fun, especially by playing tricks on humans, such as with my car keys! They love to hide things, but if you ask nicely they will always return them! Just remember to say Thank You as well!

The fairies have huge abundance of knowledge and wealth and healing that they can bestow on us. All of the gifts and help they give had been touched by their own magic, as well as this empowerment!

Some of the uses for this new form are listed below:

* Abundance

* Money

* Prosperity

* Success

* Knowledge

* Wisdom

* Insight

* Perception

* Intelligence

* Understanding

* Love

* Romance

* Treasure of Mother Earth

* Dealing with Suffering

* Dealing with Loss

* Healing from Phsyical Issues

* Healing from Emotional Issues

* Healing with Spiritual Issues

* Bringing Happiness Into Ones Life

* Helping us to grow and develop.

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2200/person)


 Agape Reiki

Agape Reiki is a universal energy system that helps to open the heart chakra and tap into the spirit of unconditional love. It is good for opening the heart center, helping ease heartbreak and transmuting anger. (It is easy to use and at the same time highly effective. No Prerequisite.)

* Master  Level (HKD 1,500/person)



Celtic Energy Alchemy – The Spirit of Brigid

Brigid, one of the most revered deities in Celtic mythology,
embodies the essence of fire, healing, poetry, and fertility.

In addition to her role as a goddess of creativity and the arts,
Brigid is also known for her healing abilities. She is often called
upon for protection and guidance, embodying the nurturing
aspects of motherhood and the sacred feminine.

* Master  Level (HKD 1,800/person)


Brigid’s Essence

Brigid’s Essence: Nurturing Energy and Creativity

Brigid’s energy embodies nurturing and creativity, making her a
powerful source of inspiration and support. Here’s a deeper
exploration of these aspects:

Nurturing Energy

Healing and Compassion

Safe Haven

Creative Energy

Connection to Nature

* Master  Level (HKD 1,800/person)



Brigid’s Flame

Brigid stands as a beacon of light,
nurturing creativity, healing, and the sacred fire of inspiration
that flickers within us all. Brigid’s Flame provides you with the
tools and insights needed to cultivate and harness this energy,
allowing it to flow freely in your life.
As we delve into the essence of Brigid’s flame, we will explore
how her energy can empower us to transform our lives, heal our
spirits, and ignite our passions.

* Master  Level (HKD 1,800/person)



Inner Child Healing Reiki

This system comes forth as a result our own freedom and liberation from healing the wounded child within.

It is our desire for you to heal your inner child so you can bring what is within you into the world so miracles can happen in your life.

This is your divine right.

When your inner child is healed you can move forward in your life with a sense of empowerment and freedom.

It is only then you can begin to live your authentic life.

* Master Teacher Level (HKD 2,200/person) one day course